I am not a basketball player.
I have never been a basketball player.
I never really wanted to be a basketball player.
I have never really wanted to play basketball, well maybe once, some 25+ years ago.
I never watched basketball on TV until college I think.
I have seen probably 5 or so games my entire life.
Watching basketball does not make me want to play it.
I have had high top shoes, but only to skate in.
I have had many pairs of Chuck Taylors, but only for skating, as a gift, as fashion.
I have never played basketball more than once in a row except for the Winter before our family moved from Clearfield, PA to Morgantown, WV.
I was a Jr. in High School and a fair number of my friends would play on Saturdays at the "something" building at the Fair Grounds.
I think I may have gotten a pair of "basketball" shoes then, but more than likely they were also skate shoes.
I played for quite a few weeks.
I remember enjoying it cause we played full court and I could run up and down the court pretty well and I knew my time w/ these guys was limited. I did enjoy the activity. But it didn't matter that it was basketball.
I don't remember learning many for the rules, getting much better at dribbling, or knowing any moves or plays.
I think I got decent at shooting the ball.
I played once w/ Betsy over at the WVU Apartments 2 years.
Betsy hurt my thumb on that day.
My thumb still aches. Maybe not because of that, but it certainly didn't help.
I used to stove that thumb a lot while playing baseball.
I wasn't great at playing organized baseball; Little League, Farm Team. I never really "made" it to Little League, though I did play on the Farm Team All Stars two years in a row.
I like playing sand lot baseball.
I played last night w/ the guys from Pathfinder at Whitemore Park.
We only played 1/3 court.
I have no moves.
I can't dribble and move around.
I can usually hit the backboard.
I sat on the bench like a champ.
My mom liked basketball.
Sorry mom.